Kinyungu Ventures

Why Can’t I Stop Swiping Down Every 10 Seconds?

Have you ever swiped down on your phone to refresh your email? And done so, repeatedly?

Hi, my name is Kínyúngú, and I’m a recovering email addict.  What is it about email anyways that gets our juices flowing so much?  It’s not a pretty sight, as email addiction could be just a nicer-looking veneer to what’s really going on:

A lot has already been written on the urgency (and relative unimportance) of email. It’s not the emails itself that are urgent. Often times, it’s our soul that urgently feels that we need something deeper, and email is a nice fluffy filler.

Don’t be satisfied with cardboard filler. Instead, ask some courageous questions.

Without digging into these, our addiction for escape, approval, and ego-boasting  will continue living within our phones (and anywhere else we can find it).