Kinyungu Ventures

Where are all the Awesome Questions?

These days, there are lots of experts (and frankly, even more non-experts) out there sharing their expertise.

In fact, the world’s most pressing problems require the collaboration of diverse expertise.

However, much more important than great expertise are great questions.

No matter where you are religiously, one model in this area is Jesus. Look at all the situations he faced, all the questions he received. It’s jaw-dropping how often he answered a question with an awesome question.  He knew when to be direct, be open-ended, go “back-door” to the heart, redirect, go more rhetorical, and probe deeper – so that hearts could be transformed and his movement would multiply.

As leaders, we too often feel the need to “assert ourselves” and provide clear directives. There’s certainly a time and place for that. However, when was the last time you stopped yourself from answering a question, and instead answered the question with a better question?

Is a good question worth a thousand good answers?